"It may be less bad for you, but that doesn't mean that it's good for you."
This is the wisdom of Dana Woldow, a leader in the push for better snacks and co-chair of a California school district's Student Nutrition and Physical Activity Committee. And Dana, thank you.
So many times we pat ourselves on the back because we ordered the baked potato instead of the french fries, and ignore that little voice reminding us that steamed veggies and slivered almonds would have been the more-better choice. I don't want to poo-poo those little victories because they are important, but let's get real. Just because something is less-bad does not mean it is good, and you know it. You know it, I know it, and most importantly (and this is where reality bites) your body knows it.
But there is a population of people who don't know it - our kids. We have to teach them through example and hands-on experiences how to determine the difference between less-bad and more-better. This article about the five worst kids' restaurant meals opened my eyes to the fact that we are all guilty of assuming our kids want grilled cheese or mac and cheese or fried cheese or basically anything with cheese, and rarely bat an eye at ordering off of the kids' menus even just to keep the peace at the dinner table. Seeing the nutritional quality of these meals made me so happy that we rarely eat in restaurants anyway and that my own 4 year old son is a health-food champion who once asked the cashier at Wendy's for "something healthy."
Yes, I took my son to Wendy's. I brought my own salad and he ordered oranges. My husband, yeah. He got the Number 2. :) Love ya, babe!
I am willing to bet that there is something going on in your world this weekend that will force you to make the choice between less-bad and more-better.
Go crazy! Go big! Go more-better!
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